BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! was the terrific sound that rang through my ears at 6 am this morning. I unconsciously searched around for my alarm clock and hit snooze. Thankfully my headache had vanished but I still felt crummy. I picked up my phone and tapped on ‘Mama Bear’ to call my mom.She quietly answered.“Mom, should I get up?” I murmured. “I think you should sleep and see if you feel better later today” she said. I clicked my phone shut and pulled
the blankets back around me to fall back asleep. When I woke up a few hours later, the first thought that popped in my head was how much I was probably missing at school. My school is honestly so hard and I’m not exaggerating. Its one of the top schools in the nation that prepares kids for college and has some of the most difficult curriculum. Knowing this, I was not looking forward to the quizzes and work I’ll have to make up. Other than taking a super hot shower and working on photos and what not, I basically laid in bed all day. I’m so utterly exhausted, physically and emotionally. I know that tomorrow is a new day though and I’ll feel better from the rest I’ve gotten, I’m just taking it one step at a time. Wish me luck!
Where do you go to school?