Finally, I am back to having time to push letters from my keyboard onto my blog again. This weekend I didn’t have time nor access to my computer because I was up in the mountains with my school for a Student Senate retreat. If you don’t know what that is, Senate is like student government or the student board at my school. I ran last year and if I choose to do it again this year I’ll post pictures of my campaign!
Any way, yes, the past few days have been very busy! I was up in the mountains (Aspen) and watched the X-GAMES which was a super cool experience. It made me wish I was really good at skiing or snowboarding. The tricks those people throw are honestly so amazing. They make it look so easy! It was fun to do that with the kids in Senate, some of which are my really good friends, others I got to know. On Sunday, I had to be home before 1 pm to go to a charity tea, so I left with a few friends at 8 am. It was pretty brutal considering I got about 30 minutes of sleep the night before. The charity tea was fun but I was not in the mood to be there knowing I had to do a bunch of homework when I got home. Ironically, I didn’t even end up doing because I fell asleep early that night. Yesterday, I left school after fifth period because I could barely keep my eyes open. I went home and crawled right into bed and slept until dinner. I figured I should probably get my homework done because I’ve been putting it off and of course I got a migraine. So last night I forced myself to deal with 5 hours of throwing up, throbbing headache, lost vision and on and off chills. I don’t know why I get such severe migraines but if you don’t, consider yourself extremely lucky. Its like having the flu except ten times worse.
Aww, I hope you feel better! You seem really busy, especially for someone who was grounded. Why were you grounded so long anyway?
ReplyDeleteAhh its kind of a long story but to sum it up I lied to my parents about where I was when I was in Hawaii
Deleteoh my gosh, your parents diddnt know you were in hawaii????