Sunday, January 20, 2013

I'm a little weird...

I'm a little weird.....
Sometimes I think the pictures I post don't show my personality so here it is.
 I'm weird.
I have weird big bug eyes and I can make some pretty ugly faces.
I love to act silly and am being weird more than serious.
This is me:) 

1 comment:

  1. You take the most amazing pictures! Your the reason I chose to make a blog, it helps so much. Expressing yourself through writing is a huge relief. Anyway, I was just wondering what type of camera you have, your pictures are so clear and Vibrant. I've been so lonely lately and maybe it's time for some new hobbies so a new camera for me would be nice. So please let me know soon, thank you:)

    Ps. I used one of your pictures from Instagram for my back ground I hope you don't mind..
