Thursday, January 24, 2013


Jeweled Red & Cream Top- Free People (xs)
Skinny Navy Corduroys- Free People (24) 
*Shoes/Socks not shown- 
White scrunched socks from Steve Madden & Tan Minnetonka Moccasin Booties  
Cuff Bracelet- Forever 21 
Rings- Spanish Antique Shops 
Red Floral Headband- Homemade 

      Sorry I didn't post anything until now. This OOTD would be considered Wednesday's even though it's currently 3:21 AM and somehow I am still awake... I never sleep... I swear I am insomniac. Tomorrow morning is gonna be rough. But today was pretty average, I slept over at my friend Claire's last night because she just got home from being out of town so it was fun! At school I was so out of it until about 7th period, literally all day I just wanted to go home and curl up into a chair by the fire and watch Gossip Girl or start a new TV show. Does anyone have a show they're hooked on right now that I should start? Any way, I'm taking health for the new 2nd semester and I hope it'll be fun. One of my best guy friends is in it so I know we'll just mess around the whole time. After my long tiring school day, I went and adventured the cold prairies to photograph this. When I got back to the car my hands were so numb I could barely feel my finger tips touch the car door handle. I sat there rubbing them together as if I was a little eskimo lady in her igloo freezing to death. I am not a cold weather person at all; if you were to make me chose between the beach or mountains I would take the beach any day. I need the warmth and sunshine to feed my bubbly personality! So please, get warmer Denver! Or just snow for the rest of the month, but don't leave me in the dry brown coldness. 


  1. You should watch "The Carrie Diaries" It's a brand new tv series with only two episodes out and it's brilliant!! The fashion is amazing and everything :D <3

  2. Hey Hannah, I watch Gossip Girl too! Along with many reruns of Sex in the City. The producer of both is creating a new tv show! They're only two episodes into the season, it's called The Carrie Diaries! Check it out, it's a prequel to Sex in the City! Check out my blog

    Au revoir,

  3. im confused why you need to write what size you are.....

  4. Hi Hannah, my names jasmin i'm 16 & from Australia :)
    I just found this blog of yours through your instagram! which i've followed for a while now! i just wanted to tell you first of all how much i love your photography you are so talented and not to mention beautiful! your photo's inspire me! your take on life is exciting and exhilarating!!! how i wish i could meet you! this shirt your wearing in the pictures above is to die for! i can see you have an eye for fashion a passion! and i honestly appreciate you sharing your outfits it gives me endless ideas! i love your style so much, its perfection! From what i've picked up on from browsing through your wonderful blog i hope the sunshine is radiating in your corner of the world!! you seem like such a genuine person and if you would every like to chat which i totally understand if your busy and unable, your life seems like quite a whirlwind of excitment, i would love to hear from you! my tumblr is: vanillia-kai.tumblr i wholeheartedly wish you a lovely day!

  5. a makeup tutorial please!
