Thursday, April 11, 2013

Society of A Devil 

Go ahead say I’m being hypocritical- I don’t care. I just got off the phone with one of my best friends who feels like absolute crap because of society and I’m sharing with you how I feel because I want to make an IMPACT on someone. 
So, this is what I’ve realized about high school and just life in general- everyone feels absolutely so utterly emotionally and physically exhausted and alone. We feel like we can’t please anyone, or gain momentum, get to the top. But for what? To please other people? To gain fake friends we hope to keep for the 4 years of our lives? 

High school is a time when girls are plain old mean. Everyone is selfish. Boys want nothing but sex from you and most days you fall asleep feeling like absolute crap. 
But what I’ve come to see is that the only people who can change how we treat each other is us. You can’t change everyone around you, but you can change yourself. You can learn to be accepting, empathetic, loving, kind, a listener, to be there for people. To be there and to tell your story so people don’t feel so alone. Thats why I try to reach out to so many people. I am so thankful that god has let people come into my life whether it being through school, family, instagram, tumblr, facebook etc. because the more people who know, have the chance to read my writing and hear things from another person.

What I’ve realized is that half of me wants that magical life on the Upper East side of New York with ball gowns and Bloomingdale shopping bags. With money and vacation houses and everything I could want. Who doesn’t honestly? But that life is so shallow and yet I live a form of it every day. I go to a high school where money is basically who you are. Believe it or not I don’t have that much money, and as I say that, I once again feel so fake and unappreciative because I have so much more than the other 99% of this world. We live in the top 1% of wealth. As American’s even our “poor” are rich, filthy rich, And all we seem to want is more more more. For what? So in the end we can see that money can’t buy happiness? To realize that all of these things are the devil playing us and toying with what really matters.

Friends are worth it. Relationships are worth it. Life is worth it. Not for the things and stuff it brings. Not for the clothes and houses. But what it has to offer with people and feelings and the absolute best happiness you get from laughing. Yes, you need materialistic things to live. Obviously you need a home and clothes and food and shelter. And I’m not saying if you have a lot of it that in any way something is wrong with you or bad. Clearly the people who have those things have worked their butts off to get them and I praise that! But APPRECIATE it. Give to the the people who have less. Value your life, your health, your family, your friends. We have it so much better then so many other people in the world. So don’t expect what you have, love it and love others.  

Life changes and throws you curve balls. Things are really hard and we don't always understand why. We want to give up. But show the world that we are not falling apart. Show the world we are coming together and we can be better then before. You loose friendships you thought you would always have, people who would always be in your life. I've come to know that the people who give up on you and leave you behind aren't accepting of your beauty. So don't go running after them. Don't even look back. Keep moving forward and gather all the people who love and support you because in the end they will matter more. 

I read this in a book I'm reading in school Called The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. I believe this quote sums up how I think life is lived and I forever will refer to this quote. Who knew school actually applied to something I will carry on with me in life. 

"Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault. Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are cultivated. For there is hope." 
-Oscar Wilde 

Life is worth it. Go out and prove yours. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hey guys, I'm just trying this out for fun, it's nothing serious at all but I put up a page on Explore Modeling to just see what happens!
I entered into The Leona Collection modeling contest and was wondering if you could vote for me:) I also encourage any girls to make a page if they're interested in modeling because you have to start somewhere right??
Thank you lovers